Welcome! Yoga and meditation completely transformed my life, and I would love to share the gifts of these practices with you. My hope is that this site will provide everything you need to bring their benefits into your own life.
Whether you want a simple, quick and powerful breathing practice to bring more calm and clarity into your day, gentle yet invigorating movements for energy and healing, or a physical practice that can elicit deep healing and meditative states, Tibetan Yoga, or Tsa Lung Trul Khor (Magical Movements of the Channels and Winds), has something to offer.
The Nine Breaths is the place to start. This free course gives you everything you need to know to understand how to do and use this practice. Once you experience how this practice can change your day and your sleep, a day without the Nine Breaths will be like a day without brushing your teeth (Yuck).
Next, the External Tsa Lung build on the Nine Breaths. This course includes five movements combined with focused attention, regulated breath, and visualization. These movements bring calm and stability to the body, quiet the mind, expand awareness and help dissolve conflict and tension related to the five emotional poisons of anger, attachment, ignorance, pride and jealousy.
Once familiar with the Nine Breaths and Tsa Lung, you are ready for Trul Khor, the magical movements! In level 1 we start with sixteen movements known as the "A-tri". Experience them for yourself to see that they really are magical movements!
These programs are self paced, and sequential. Start with the FREE Nine Breaths course. Like it? Continue your journey with the Five Tsa Lung movements. Ready for more movement and vigor? Take Tibetan Yoga, Level 1 and learn sixteen movements practiced by Himalayan yogis for centuries.
More courses, workshops and classes coming soon!
(always free)
Super simple and really powerful, the Nine Breaths is for everyone (that’s why it’s free!). Release stagnant energy, cultivate an open heart and find space enough for everything in life. This course is also the foundation for all other Tibetan Yoga courses on this site.
A powerful, stand-alone tool for personal transformation!
The Five External Tsa Lung are powerful tools to harmonize the body, breath and mind. They support better health, flexibility, mental clarity, and reconnect us to our true nature of innate goodness. These practices are suitable for everyone, no matter one's physical condition. The Nine Breaths is foundational to the practice of the Tsa Lung exercises, and these movements are the preliminaries for Tibetan Yoga.
This course teaches sixteen movements that clear negative energies and bring healing energy to body, mind and spirit. Opening the subtle energy channels of the body and balancing our winds and elements, Trul Khor brings assists the mind in settling into its own luminous nature and finding a deep place of ease.
Modifications are offered for all levels of ability.
Sign up for the mailing list and I'll send you my complete course on the Nine Breaths of Purification. You will only hear frmo me about once per month.
I will share these ancient, sacred teachings with the same integrity and generosity that they were shared with me.
What I know I will gladly give, holding nothing back.
What I do not know I'll admit, and will make nothing up.
- Rob Patzig
I've tried to make these courses affordable, but there are real costs in producing content, managing the site and courses, and more. That said, no one should find these offerings from my heart beyond their reach. The first course is free and will always remain so. If you want to take my other courses but need a discount, write me and we will work something out.